LibCrypto/LibSsl Mismatch

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As of version 13.0, CrossOver no longer uses this library. This article left in place for reference only.


The libcrypto and libssl libraries normally come as a pair. Using a mismatched pair is likely to result in crashes and other misbehavior.


CrossOver no longer uses libcrypto and libssl as of 13.0 (but cxdiag incorrectly continued to check for it until CrossOver 15).

This issue should not happen on a normal system. As such, when it does happen it is likely to be caused by a unique set of circumstances which makes it hard to provide general steps for its resolution.

That said you may first check whether either library is an old version left over after an upgrade. For instance a file with no matching libssl file but current 0.9.8 files for libcrypto and libssl. If that's the case you may delete the lone file after double checking with your package manager that it is not mean to be there (use dpkg -S or rpm -qf there).

You may also try to follow the instructions for installing libssl.

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Last modified on 2023-09-29 19:49:08 UTC by Andrew Balfour

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