How can I change the size of my menu font?

Depending on your display settings, the CrossOver menu font may be inconveniently large or small. This font can be adjusted by editing the file ~/.cxoffice/bottlename/drive_c/Windows/win.ini and adding the following lines:


Try adjusting the 12 to suit your setup.

There is also an option you can set in the registry. To edit the registry for the current bottle, run the following command: $ ~/cxoffice/bin/cxrun

Select the correct bottle, type in regedit for the command, run it and go to the following Key: HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG/Software/Fonts and change the line that reads: "LogPixels"="0x00000060(96)"

to something like: "LogPixels"="0x000000078(120)"

Next Step: How to restore CrossOver menu items so they appear in Xfce

Last modified on 2023-09-29 12:45:37 UTC by Andrew Balfour

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