By default CrossOver will get your language and format style from the host operating system. You can manually specify a locale by editing the cxbottle.conf file located in each bottle CrossOver creates.
To locate the cxbottle.conf select the appropriate bottle, click Open C: Drive listed in the right column of the bottle. Go up one level to find the cxbottle.conf file on same directory level as the drive_c folder.
In cxbottle.conf under the EnvironmentVariables section add a new entry for the locale you want to use. For example to set the bottle to Russian you'd enter:
"LC_ALL" = "ru_RU.UTF-8"
Locales that should work are:
- af_ZA
- am_ET
- be_BY
- bg_BG
- ca_ES
- cs_CZ
- da_DK
- de_AT
- de_CH
- de_DE
- el_GR
- en_AU
- en_CA
- en_GB
- en_IE
- en_NZ
- en_US
- es_ES
- et_EE
- eu_ES
- fi_FI
- fr_BE
- fr_CA
- fr_CH
- fr_FR
- he_IL
- hr_HR
- hu_HU
- hy_AM
- is_IS
- it_CH
- it_IT
- ja_JP
- kk_KZ
- ko_KR
- lt_LT
- nl_BE
- nl_NL
- no_NO
- pl_PL
- pt_BR
- pt_PT
- ro_RO
- ru_RU
- sk_SK
- sl_SI
- sr_YU
- sv_SE
- tr_TR
- uk_UA
- zh_CN
- zh_HK
- zh_TW
These are the UTF-8 locales that are present in OS X's /usr/share/locale/ directory, which the "legacy" directory that wine uses for locale information. Other locales not listed above (for instance, es_MX for Mexico or es_GT for Guatemala) will not work at present.
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